A wedding, the happiest day in a couple’s life. Friends and family, all in one place to celebrate love. The perfect decorations, beautiful clothes, delicious food, and not to forget..the wedding bar. Over the years, we have mastered the workings of the wedding industry. Everyone has that contact for the wedding catering you liked or the last designer you had your eyes on. However, When it comes to your Wedding Bartenders it’s always a tough spot to be in.

A bar attracts the most attention in today’s wedding. It’s the gathering point for every conversation. Sipping drinks and re-living nostalgia. These are not just a slab with bottles placed on them anymore, they are an experience. Here is what your Wedding Bartender can bring to the table (literally!).

Wedding Bartender

You expect your bartenders to plan every detail out… so you do not need to. Making sure all stocks are in place and all the alcohol is cooled to the right temperature. A wedding where the supplies are exhausted is the worst feeling ever. A good Wedding Bartender will be able to gauge your requirements and put systems in place to make sure your special day never runs dry.


Make this day memorable, with custom made drinks that tell the story of the wedding. A professional bartender and mixologist will be able to suggest unique cocktails that make your wedding bar the grist for the gossip mill. Have cocktails named after moments in your relationship or members in your family.

Some weddings also use special cocktail mixing techniques to make bring awe to their guests. Frozen cocktails, flame shots and cocktail spheres. There are so many options to spoil you with. Who said a wedding bar needs to be a boring menu of spirts, add a twist to it.

Make it entertaining

Your Wedding Bartender is not just here to mix drinks, they are here to add excitement to your celebration. Some bartenders bring along complementing decorations to make your wedding theme pop. Others engage guests in fun games like beer pong, shot basketball, shot glass roulette, etc. If your wedding is a celebration, it should feel like one too.

Some Wedding Bartenders just seem to add life to your party. They walk into the crowds and interact with guests. A happy bartender always attracts eyes. With creative drink mixing or a friendly conversation with your guests, there are all qualities of mixologist with a fun edge.


The cost of alcohol is always a worry at weddings. The last thing you need is to pay a fraction of that to a service prover. The cost of a good bartender is one you cannot ponder on. By paying Wedding Bartender, you also pay for the setup, the arrangements, the experience and most import of all — peace of mind.

So the next time you hear the wedding bells ring in your family, make sure to call the best bartenders first. They bring life to your celebrations and make your special day a lot more memorable.