To have an own home in a city like Mumbai is a dream for many but a piece of cake for those who have worked real hard to get there. Once they have their own home, they set their eyes on buying another. Whatever their reasons might be, but to own a second home in Mumbai is a serious advantage. For one, a second home is a great option to go for a long deserved break from a hectic schedule. People who are eyeing to buy a second home must go through the following points before signing the papers.

  1. The home should be away from the bustling city

A city that never sleeps has people running all day long. This never ending commotion is a major turn off for people who need a break from all the rush and the noise caused by it. Therefore, they plan their second home in an area which is a bit farther from the main city where the breeze is gentle, the greenery is pleasant to the eyes and the neighbors are concerned mostly about their own businesses. Hence, the second home should be at a place which is neither deserted nor crowded.

  • It isn’t the size that matters

The second home may or may not be a humongous villa and covering a lot of area. What people must understand while buying their second home is that it should provide them the comfort for which they were yearning. Comfort doesn’t necessarily has to come from a big space. Coziness might work really well too. Therefore, the second home might be smaller than the first one but it should get the job of keeping its owner happy.

  • The second home should be rentable

The second home should be built in such a way that people can’t resist stopping buy to take a good look and might express their interest in living there for an amount. That way, the second home would act as a great alternative to earn some extra money for the owners. The second home could be rented seasonally or occasionally. Thus, making it a profitable venture for the owner. The second home can also play an important role in building a good social image because owning a single house in Mumbai is already a big deal. One can only imagine what happens when someone owns two!

Folks at Shimmer Ocean Pearls make sure that their clients get across the best second home projects in Mumbai. So that they can have a dream house which would be their escape from all the dust and dirt of the city life. The second home which would be their go to when they want to rest their mind a bit. There are a lot of second homes near Mumbai which are waiting for their rightful owners. Owners who wish to make that place their home. What Shimmer Ocean Pearls does is to give meaning to the word “home”.