What could be more difficult than cleaning one’s face as part of a beauty routine? Quite a bit, I’d say! Irritation, pimples, oiliness, and dryness can all be caused by several typical washing and lathering practises that we have been practising for a long time. Here’s a rundown of some of the most common face-washing blunders we make on a daily basis, as well as how to avoid them.

#Mistake 1

The most common mistake we make when it comes to our face-washing routine is choosing the wrong product. If you have acne-prone skin, what could be more incorrect than picking up a creamy, greasy cleanser? The correct cleanser should only remove dirt, grit, and filth while leaving the skin’s natural oils intact. As a result, you must pick a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type and effective.

Washing your face several times can remove all of the natural oils and healthy cells from your skin. This will irritate the skin and cause it to produce excessive amounts of oil. It’s a good idea to give your face a rest from products now and then. If you haven’t worn makeup or sweated excessively, simply wash your face with lukewarm water.

#Mistake 2

Another common face-washing blunder is selecting the incorrect water temperature. It is a common misconception that hot water opens pores while cold water closes them. Pores do not have muscles that allow them to open and close. Wash your face with lukewarm or cold water instead of hot water to protect your delicate facial skin. This will prevent your skin from losing its natural protective oils, producing too much sebum, or drying out too much.

Exfoliation is a healthy procedure that eliminates the dead skin cells that have accumulated on the surface of the skin. It should, however, be done in moderation. Exfoliate your facial skin with gentle exfoliating products such as ODEON face scrub wash no more than twice a week. To make the movement milder, use your fingers instead of your entire palm.

Always remember to properly rinse the scrub. If you don’t wash your face correctly, you’ll get a build-up of residue, which will clog your pores and dry up your skin. Give your nose, jawline, and hairline some attention.

After washing your face, practically everyone makes the error of rubbing your skin vigorously with the towel in the hopes of removing all the dirt and grease. Although rubbing feels pleasant, it really pulls and drags on your skin. Keep a clean, soft face towel on hand for the next time you need to dry your face.

These are some of the most common, yet most serious, face-washing errors that, if avoided, might spare you a lot of skin problems.